10 Instagram Ads Stats that you need to know in 2024

10 Instagram Ads Stats that you need to know

Instagram Ads are intentional posts designed to promote a business’s products or services, as per  MailChimp. These ads appear in diverse formats, seamlessly integrating into Instagram feeds and stories. They typically include a mix of images, videos, compelling copy, and clickable links directing users to the brand’s profile.

Notably, 38% of marketers employ Instagram Ads for brand building, and the audience, particularly the 18 to 24 age group, comprises nearly 31% of the global Instagram audience.

Below, you’ll find a list of 10 essential Instagram Ads to be aware of in 2023.

1. Reaching Heights: Instagram’s Potential Audience of 849.3 Million!

Instagram isn’t just a platform; it’s a global community. With the potential to reach a staggering 849.3 million users, your audience isn’t just local—it’s worldwide. The content can significantly reach 35.39% users which is staggering. Instagram offers a vast and diverse audience, making it a goldmine for marketers seeking to make a lasting impact.

2. Around 130 million users check shopping posts monthly on Instagram!

Instagram Shopping Ads have emerged as a powerhouse for generating cost-efficient clicks and conversions. About 5.42% users monthly tap on the shopping posts. With 130 million users checking shopping posts monthly, it’s evident that Instagram is not just a platform for socialising but a thriving marketplace. 

Around 130 million users check shopping posts monthly!

3. Instagram Stories Ads Touch 500 Million Daily Users!

Instagram Stories Ads are not just brief interruptions in users’ feeds—they are captivating narratives. These stories can reach upto 20.83% users. With a potential reach of over 500 million daily users, these full-screen experiences offer a unique chance to convey your brand message in a way that feels authentic and immediate.

Instagram Stories Ads Touch 500 Million Daily Users!

Hootsuit claimed that the ads on Instagram Stories contribute to nearly 26.7% of the platform’s ad revenue in 2023, up from 26.4% in 2022 and the ad revenue increased to $20.03 billion in 2023.

4. Reels Ads are Capturing 30% of Instagram Time!

Reels have taken Instagram by storm, occupying 30% of users’ time on the platform. With content shared a staggering 1 billion times daily, Reels Ads present an unparalleled opportunity for marketers to create short, engaging content that resonates with the ever-scrolling audience.

Reels Ads are Capturing 30% of Instagram Time!

5. Direct Sales: One-third of Users Make Purchases from Instagram Ads!

The impact of Instagram ads goes beyond mere visibility. Surprisingly, more than a third of users have made direct purchases from Instagram ads. It’s a testament to the platform’s ability to seamlessly integrate the shopping experience into the user journey. 

Direct Sales: One-third of Users Make Purchases from Ads!

6. Monthly Explore Ads reach over 500 Million Users!

The Explore tab on Instagram isn’t just for random scrolling—it’s a treasure trove for advertisers. Explore Ads, can take your content to the next level with 20.83% of engagement rate, reaching over 500 million monthly engaged users, provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand amid trending content and capture the attention of an actively seeking audience.

Monthly Explore Ads reach over 500 Million Users!

7. Instagram Profile Feed Ads with Sound and motion seem to work better!

Profile Feed Ads seamlessly integrate into users’ browsing experiences, offering a non-intrusive way to expand campaign reach. By leveraging motion, sound, and concise content, businesses can ensure their ads feel valuable and relevant within the user’s chosen content stream. These Videos Ads have 3x more engagement than photos.

Profile Feed Ads with Sound and motion seem to work better!

8. Instagram Carousel Ads are boosting Engagement Rates Over 2%!

The versatility of Carousel Ads is a marketer’s playground. While they constitute only 18% of Instagram’s content, using all ten slides can skyrocket your engagement rates to over 2%. Quality, not quantity, is the key to making Carousel Ads a visual feast for your audience.

Carousel Ads are boosting Engagement Rates Over 2%!

9. 70% of consumers seek inspiration for their next purchase on Instagram!

Instagram is not just a social platform; it’s a thriving marketplace. With over 200 million businesses marketing their products, it’s evident that the impact goes beyond likes and shares. A whopping 70% of consumers turn to Instagram for inspiration, solidifying its position as a crucial player in the consumer decision-making journey. 83% of consumers claim they use Instagram to discover new products or services, as per social pilot. 

70% of consumers seek inspiration for their next purchase!

10. India has the highest 180 Million Instagram ad audience!

India emerges as a dominant force, boasting the highest Instagram ad audience with an impressive 180 million users, followed by the United States (143.35 million) and Brazil (113.5 million). With 7.5% ad audience India stays at the top on Instagram. This underscores Instagram’s global appeal, as 37.74% of the world’s 5.3 billion active internet users regularly access the platform. (Stats as of 19-Dec-2023).


In 2023, maximising Instagram ads, whether through carousel, feed, explore, or story ads based on your products, can propel your brand to new heights. It is important to know these Instagram ad stats so that we can pick the right type of ad. There’s a huge potential, lots of different people to reach, and endless chances for your brand on Instagram.