10 Mind Blowing Instagram Stats that you need to know in 2024

10 General Instagram Stats that you need to know

Instagram was launched in 2010 and has rapidly grown to become one of the most used social networking apps worldwide. Over 100M Photos and Videos are uploaded to Instagram daily, as of Product London Designs, Feb 19, 2024.

It enables users to instantly share life’s moments using enhanced photos and videos – according to Yuheng Hu (2014). With 2.4 billion monthly active users, Instagram provides individuals and businesses with a powerful tool for showcasing their creativity, engaging with their audience, and building a strong online presence.

This app has seen remarkable engagement, with an average of 55 million photos uploaded each day, contributing to a cumulative total surpassing 16 billion shared images. 

As we delve into the latest insights, let’s uncover 10 general Instagram statistics that are shaping the landscape in 2024:

1. Instagram Impact on Youth: A 47M User Base in Mexico

Instagram’s dominant demographic lies in the 18-29 age group, constituting 71% of users. Influencers and fashion bloggers, often young themselves, wield significant influence, exemplified by figures like the Clement twins and Hayley. Notably, children and young audiences, driven by their interest in music, fashion, and style, contribute to this dynamic landscape, with Instagram boasting 35% young adults (18-24 years old) in Mexico and a user base of 47 million in the country. Statistics reveal the platform’s impact on the youth. 

2. Instagram’s Global Popularity: A Whopping 3.8 Billion Downloads with a Stellar 4.6 Ratings

With a staggering 3.8 billion downloads, Instagram boasts a massive global reach. 47.5% of the world’s population downloaded Instagram. It has been downloaded 548 Million times in 2022 – according to Kobiton (2023).The app holds an impressive 4.6 out of 5 rating from 595,662 reviews and is intended for users aged 12 and above.

3. Daily Stories on Instagram: Join the 500M Users

Instagram’s Stories feature, with over 500 million daily users, offers a casual and engaging platform for sharing moments. The Platform has seen a 5% increase in user growth in the Past year. Studies from 99 Firms indicate that 86.6% of Instagram users actively post Stories. 

Additionally, eMarketer highlights that watching others’ stories is the most popular Instagram activity in the U.S. Furthermore, data reveals that users tapped forward on Instagram Stories 68% of the time in 2020.

4. Instagram Reels: Entertainment with 38% Content Exploration

Instagram’s Reels, a short-form video feature, is a source of content discovery for 38% of its users. Notably, these brief videos offer 8% more screen real estate than TikTok videos, as revealed by Conviva. The platform doesn’t just compete; it excels, leading in average engagement among short-form video apps. 

According to MediaKix, global users spend an impressive average of 53 minutes per session on Instagram Reels, solidifying its position as a leader in this dynamic content space.

5. Instagram Ads: Reaching 928.5 Million Users Monthly

Instagram’s advertising features shine as its ads reach 928.5 million users monthly, establishing it as a formidable global advertising platform. These ads can reach 38.69% users on monthly basis. Specifically, businesses utilising Instagram ads tap into a potential audience of 849.3 million users. 

In 2020, Instagram ranked in $17.4 billion ad revenue in the United States, a figure projected to soar to $39.7 billion by 2023 according to eMarketer. Reflecting its popularity, 29% of marketers allocate the majority of their social media ad budget to Instagram ads, as reported by Smartly.

6. Instagram #Hashtags Boosting Interactions by Up to 79.5%

The influence of hashtags on engagement is evident, as posts featuring at least one hashtag experience a 12.6% boost in interaction. 

Delving into Instagram hashtag statistics, posts with a single hashtag see a substantial 29% increase in interactions for accounts with fewer than 1,000 followers. 

Notably, posts with 11 or more hashtags garner the highest interactions, showcasing a remarkable 79.5% increase for accounts in the same follower range. These statistics underscore the pivotal role hashtags play in enhancing visibility and interaction on the platform.

7. IG Explore Page Wonders: 200 Million Daily Users Discover Personalized Content

Instagram’s Explore page can reach 8.33% of users. It captivates 200 million users every day, functioning as a key discovery tool for personalized content and recommendations.

8. Instagram for Business: 25 Million thriving Profiles 

In 2023, Instagram boasts over 25 million business profiles, underscoring the platform’s prowess in marketing and advertising. Notably, the platform’s ad revenue soared to $43.28 billion in 2022. 

Despite this success, only 71% of businesses are currently leveraging Instagram, as reported by Omnicore. 

Additionally, a remarkable 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business on the platform, emphasizing the broad engagement businesses can achieve.

9. Instagram’s Location Tags Boosting Engagement by 79% 

Location tags on Instagram posts offer a substantial advantage, yielding a remarkable 79% increase in engagement. Recent studies emphasise the impact, revealing that posts with location tags outperform those without. This statistic is particularly noteworthy for businesses aiming to enhance visibility and connect with local audiences. Additionally, the average engagement rate for business Instagram accounts stands at 0.65%, with carousel posts experiencing a higher engagement rate of 0.76%, according to recent findings.

10. Instagram Shopping: 130 Million Users Embrace E-Commerce Features

Instagram’s Shopping features, with over 1.30 million monthly active shops, highlight the platform’s evolution into a thriving e-commerce hub. Complementing this growth, a significant 130 million users engage with shopping posts monthly, emphasising the platform’s influence in the realm of online commerce.

Instagram User Stats

Instagram boasts a user base exceeding 1 billion globally, with consistent growth and diverse demographics.

Daily Active Users on Instagram

Instagram boasts a daily engagement of over 500 million users, highlighting its dynamic environment. Furthermore, 28.88% of the world’s 4.8 billion active internet users are regular participants on Instagram.

Monthly Active Users on Instagram

In February 2013, Instagram had 100M users, and by June 2018, now in March 2024, it reached 2.4 billion monthly active users. Over the years, it kept adding users in chunks. Such as 200M in nine months from September 14 to June 18.

For the US, Instagram’s growth slowed a bit: +6.2% in 2020, +3.7% in 2021, and an expected +2.2% in 2022. The estimate for 2023 is a bit less, around +1.8%.

Globally, Instagram has a whopping over 1 billion users every month. 47.84% of the world’s 4.18 billion smartphone users access Instagram every month. India leads with the largest audience who see Instagram ads, with 180 million users. The US is close behind with 170 million, and Brazil has 110 million. 

Instagram Usage Stats

Instagram has an impressive user base exceeding 2.4 billion individuals, solidifying its status as one of the most popular platforms worldwide.

Number of Instagram users

With over 2.4 billion active users globally, Instagram’s consistent growth reflects its relevance, attracting diverse demographics from various geographic locations. Notably, India takes the lead with an enormous ad audience size of 180 million, followed closely by the United States (170 million) and Brazil (110 million).

Instagram usage by location

Instagram’s international allure is evident in its global user base, with notable concentrations in countries like the United States, Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Russia. This expansive usage underlines Instagram’s capacity to foster a diverse global community. 

The platform currently hosts over 1 billion monthly active users, securing its position as the 4th most popular social media platform globally in terms of Monthly active user stats. By 2025, forecasts predict an increase to 1.44 billion monthly active users, making up 31.2% of global internet users.

Instagram Story Stats

Instagram Stories offer a massive reach, with ads reaching more than 500 million people daily.

Number of Instagram Stories Posted and Viewed Everyday

Instagram stories have become a daily ritual for approximately 500 million users, showcasing a significant increase from the 400 million recorded in 2018. Notably, businesses contribute to the dynamic landscape, as one-third of the most viewed stories come from them. 

The interactive nature of stories is evident, with one in five eliciting direct messages from viewers. Additionally, the statistics reveal that 70% of stories are viewed with sound.

Shopping on Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories contribute significantly to shopping behaviours, with 44% of Instagram users using the app for shopping weekly.

Instagram Reels Stats

The majority of Instagram Reel Advertisement Audience is 53.9% male and 46.1% female, as reported by Meta.

IG Reels Location Insights

India, with 326.6 million users, stands out as the primary market for Instagram Reels, followed by the United States (168.6 million) and Brazil (132.6 million).

Ad Performance Metrics

Instagram Reels maintain an impressive average video view rate of 2.54%, outperforming regular Instagram videos by 0.8%. With a competitive cost per click ranging from $0.20 to $2.00, businesses can achieve cost-effective advertising. 

A recent study also revealed that Reels exhibit a higher average engagement rate of 2.7%, compared to 2.2% for main feed videos. 

Additionally, Reels demonstrate an average reach rate of 30.81%, emphasising their effectiveness in expanding brand visibility.

Cost Per Click

The cost-effectiveness of Instagram Ads is evident, with a competitive cost per click ranging from $0.20 to $2.00, making it an attractive advertising platform for businesses aiming to optimise their marketing budget.

Instagram Business Stats

Instagram has integrated shopping features, enabling businesses to showcase products and sell directly through the platform.  44% of Instagram users use the app for shopping on a weekly basis. Instagram serves as a tool for research and easy shopping, contributing to consistent user engagement.

Instagram Business Account Posting

The average Instagram Business account posts 1.55 times on the main feed per day. 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business. (Hootsuite)

In terms of content, Photos dominate business account main feed posts at 41.7%, while videos constitute 38.2%, and carousel posts, although at 20%, boast the highest engagement rate.

Instagram’s Carousel Posts Engagement

Instagram carousel posts, despite making up 20% of business posts, enjoy the highest engagement rate at 0.76%, surpassing the overall average of 0.65%.

Following Instagram Influencers on Social Media

20.9% of social media users follow influencers or experts on social platforms and 62.4% of social media users turn to Instagram for following or researching brands and products. 

Instagram Adoption by U.S. Marketers

97.6% of U.S. marketers actively use Instagram, highlighting its popularity among marketing professionals. eMarketer predicts a rise in Instagram Reels usage by marketers, projecting a figure of 62.2% in 2025.

Instagram Threads Stats

Threads, Instagram’s companion app, achieved exceptional success since its launch.

Thread’s Rapid User Adoption

Threads achieved an extraordinary milestone by garnering over 100 million sign-ups within its initial five days of availability.

Active User Base

Currently, Threads maintains a substantial user base with 15.36 million active users, indicating sustained engagement with the app.

Notably, India emerges as the leading country in Threads usage, with a significant user count, solidifying its popularity in this region.


To sum up, Instagram is expected to attract more users in the beginning of 2024, with a massive 4.8 billion regular participants in 2023. Young people, especially those interested in fashion, style, and music, are driving this growth. The platform is filled with young influencers, fashion bloggers, and vloggers, and their audience is also predominantly young. Instagram’s success globally is evident; its easy-to-use shopping features making shopping just a click away. Looking ahead, Instagram seems set for continued growth and increased user involvement in the coming years.