What is the Right Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?

What is the Right Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?

The Right Time to Post on Instagram is between 7 am to 4 pm on weekdays, however, it depends on the day of the week, on weekends it is 5 pm to 7 pm (Saturday & Sunday). 

Now, let’s explore more about the Right Time to Post on Instagram based on each day of the week: 

Weekly Calendar

Each day has its specific time frame that is suitable for Scheduling a Post on Instagram. For more details, let’s go through the following set:

  • Time to Post on Monday

The Ideal time to Post on Monday is between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., according to Sprout Social. In this timeframe, you can gain more followers and improve your engagement rate. Followers are more active; as a result, you can get more likes and comments on Your Post. 

  • Time to Post on Tuesday

The Optimal time to Post on Tuesday is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., according to Buffer data. During this time, the majority of the audience is online and you can improve your visibility rate by posting at this time. 

  • Time to Post on Wednesday

The suitable time to Post on Wednesday is between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., according to Influencer Marketing Hub 2024. In the middle of the week, most of the users post content to which it is recommended to schedule your posts during that time.

  • Time to Post on Thursday

The right time to Post on Thursday is from 7 a.m and 4 p.m., according to Buffer data, 2024. During this time frame, the audience gives more time to Instagram which can lead to more visibility of your post. 

  • Time to Post on Friday

The best time to Post on Friday is 4 a.m. The engagement rate is high during this time frame because people start their weekend in the evening. About 9M Instagram Posts were demonstrated for collecting this information- according to later, 2023.

Posting Your Content on the Weekend

The optimal time to Post your content on Instagram is on weekdays. It’s highly encouraged not to post anything on the Weekends, especially on Sundays.

Most users don’t use Instagram on a weekend instead they go out and have fun with their friends and family. So, it’s suggested to avoid Posting on these days. 

Posting Your Content in the Night-time

When it comes to Posting on Instagram, nighttime is the wrong time to Post your content. At this time, the majority of the users don’t interact with others on Instagram. 

You need to Post in the daytime when most of the users are actively interacting with one another.

5 Useful Tips to Utilize the Best timings of your Instagram Posts

Let’s dive into 5 useful tips to utilize the best timings of your Instagram Posts:

1. Upload 2-3 Posts Per week

Posts on Instagram are important for improving likes and views. Users get followers when they post regularly. 

To maximize your reach, you should be consistent in posting your content. You should post two to three times per week, as per Influencer Marketing Hub 2024. 

However, make sure to post in the daytime on a weekday in between the recommended time-frame. 

2. Post Reels in the Day-time

For an enhanced visibility rate, you have to create more reels and post them more often. You need to Post your reels on weekdays, between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Research states that Users spend 25% more time watching videos than static content. Video features like reels and IGTV can further increase engagement. The algorithm also favors video, resulting in a 49% higher viewer rate.

According to Social Pilot, 50,000 Instagram reels were analyzed and then the result was that the engagement rate in the daytime of weekdays is higher than the engagement rate of the reels posted on a weekends. 

3. Use Hashtags in the caption of your Posts

The use of hashtags also boosts likes and views. Hashtags will make your posts available to a wider audience that is interested in the keywords you enter.

Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post. These hashtags need to be placed directly in the headline to influence search results.

For Instance, one of the popular Influencers, ‘Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk’ uses hashtags in his Posts. He has over 10.1M Followers with 9,565 Posts. Gary uses relevant hashtags in each Post.

These hashtags in the caption of your posts drive likes and views by increasing the visibility of your Posts. 

4. Collaborate with other Instagram Users

Collaborating with other users can increase your follower count. Research shows that collaboration can increase the figure from 25% to 50% and sometimes even more. 

Sharing the content with one another promotes the content to a wider audience. So, the user gets more likes and comments.

5. Post the Content of High-Quality

Posting high-quality content is essential for increasing likes on Instagram. Quality posts naturally draw more attention, and experts advise users to opt for well-edited, high-quality content. When selecting photos for Instagram, factors like image quality, size, and choosing a fitting filter are crucial to capturing the audience’s interest. 

According to Social Baker, posts with images on Instagram receive 23% more engagement than those without.

1. Should I post in the Night-time on Instagram?

No, You shouldn’t Post Your Content in the nighttime as the content may not be able to attain optimal results if your followers are not active at that time.

1.1 Should I post in the daytime on Instagram?

Yes, daytime is recommended for posting your content on Instagram. A lot of users interact with each other in the daytime.

1.2 Should I post in the evening on Instagram?

Yes, Evening is a good time for posting your content on Instagram. Many users are active in this time-frame and it can lead towards increased visibility.

2. What happens if a user doesn’t post the content at the right time?

When the user doesn’t Post the content at the right time, he/she gets fewer likes and comments. The engagement rate is low and he/she cannot maximize the reach of the post.

3. Does Posting at the Right time affect the likes of the Posts?

Yes, Posting at the Right time directly affects the likes of the Posts.


To sum up, the right time to Post on Instagram is on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The ideal time for posting is 4 p.m. It is recommended not to Post on the weekend as the audience is not active socially on Saturdays and Sundays. Other than this, the user should not Post his content in the nighttime as majority of the users are inactive in that period. The user needs to Post his content consistently while taking care of the quality of the content and he needs to collaborate with others and add some hashtags in the caption of his Post to increase the reach of his post.